After showing her gutsy performance in ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi season 8’ and being the first finalist of the show. Nia Sharma will be seen in the daily show ‘Ishq Mein Marjawan’ which is starring Arjun Bijlani and Alisha Panwar in the lead roles. Other than this, Nia has also done a few TV shows like ‘Jamai Raja’ and ‘Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai’.
Nia quoted this in an interaction with the media on being asked what made her choose up the show ‘Ishq Mein Marjawan’;
“I decided to take up this role almost overnight. I met the producers and the role they offered was fantastic. The next day we started shooting promos, and within a few days, I was on air. I was happy that I wasn’t replacing anybody or doing a cameo, instead, it is a full-fledged lead. What I love about this project is that the producers were very particular about wanting me in the show, and that felt nice. Usually, when you sign a show, it takes two to three months to set up and cast others and if you are lucky, in six months, your show is on air. But this was the quickest I have ever gone from signing the show to it going on air (laughs).”
Adding on to the same she also said;
“My only concern is to do performance-oriented roles. Looking good on screen or being an eye candy in a show isn’t that important and I realised that after Jamai Raja. I have refused huge amounts of money, turned down daily soaps, and music and reality shows because I was unhappy with the offers. I have sacrificed a lot (of money) and though the decision was tough, at times. I knew what I wanted to do and stood by my decision. After the love I got for my role in Jamai Raja, I knew I wanted to take that forward and create a brand for myself. Maybe I can make a lot of money doing shows where I hardly do anything substantial, but that is not my goal in life. It is not an easy decision to make but I have taken it.”
Now, we have seen Nia and her performances be it on a daily soap or on a reality show, she has always giver her best.