Vivo has launched its flagship NEX S in India. Simply called NEX for the Indian market, the phone will be available for purchase on Amazon and Vivo online store starting July 21 for INR 44,990 ($651).
The NEX S' claim to fame is its motorized front camera. Although not the first phone to have a motorized camera, the NEX S' party trick is to hide it completely within the body and then pop it out when its needed, complete with artificial sound effects.
The hiding of the camera module has resulted in a complete lack of top bezel, although there is still a noticeable chin at the bottom, so it's still not quite "truly bezel-less display" as Vivo likes to call it. But there's no notch, so that should make some people happy.
Apart from that, the phone also comes fully loaded, with a 6.59-inch FullHD+ Super AMOLED display with built-in fingerprint sensor, Snapdragon 845 processor with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, dual rear camera with 4-axis OIS, and a 4000mAh battery.
All the NEX units sold in India will be manufactured locally at the company's facility in Greater NOIDA.
The Vivo NEX will be available only in black. Customers can avail of INR 4000 cashback with HDFC cards, a one-time free screen replacement and no cost EMI up to 12 months upon purchase.
You can read our full review here.