Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri and their three kids, sons Aryan and AbRam, daughter Suhana – are on their Europe trip. The picture from their vacation is going viral on the internet and it seems fans are totally consumed with them. Shahrukh after the hectic shooting took a break from the work and enjoying time with his beloved family. This trip is really memorable for them as well as fans too because it happens very rarely that SRK is on vacation. Children of Gauri’s brother Vikrant Chhiba, Alia and Arjun Chhiba also joins them.
After, Aryan posted a pic with Arbam with the caption read as, “Nobody lays a hand on my brother.” And, now Gauri posted the picture of her kids on the same spot and this time Suhana is also in the pic.
And, here is the picture we are talking about:
Gauri also posted some other pictures from the vacation, see here:
#The caption read as: Best a woman can get… soaking the sun with my boys in Barcelona.
#Suite Life On Deck:
#Ravello the Cimbrone Villa. My level of creativity is influenced by travel. #Italy .. greatest work of art, architecture inspires like no other:
Well, we have seen pictures of his kids, but yesterday Shahrukh Khan posted a pic with wife Gauri Khan. Yes, he posted a picture with her after an age. By the way, it is not Shahrukh who don’t want to post the pic with her but Gauri doesn’t allow him to do so. And, the same said by SRK in the caption, “After years the wife has allowed me to post a pic I have taken…she’s all heart!”
As soon as the picture got uploaded, Bollywood stars like Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan, Tiger Shroff, Sidharth Malhotra, Sonakshi Sinha liked the image. And, some of the comments on his post read as, “Ha ha ha, yes, Shah Rukh Khan and as always, you’ve spectacularly won all the hearts”.
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