Shahid Kapoor’s wifey Mira Rajput often made headlines whether she goes out with friends and with hubby Shahid or for her classy outfits as she is pregnant the second time. Recently, Shahid throws a dreamy baby shower for Mira with some few friends and family. Earlier she was spotted near Bandra outside an eatery with friends in a Mustard top with black pants looking simply gorgeous in her baby bump. Well, she made headlines all for good reason and her Instagram stories are always catch our attention.
Talking about the same Mira on Thursday shared two Instagram story complaining about Samsung. She wrote, “After it’s mobile phones, I think Samsung appliances will start exploding in sympathy with its consumer. Worst customer service experience @samsungindia”. And in another, she said she didn’t expect so many replies on her story which reads, “Oops! Didn’t expect SO many me-too messages so fast”.
Well, calm down Mira! As Mira is in her third trimester many sympathize her for being subjected to stress during her pregnancy. Mira is quite active on social media these days and always let people aware of such activities.
Because of Samsung’s past controversies, people get connected with Mira’s stories complaining Samsung for the products. One user of Samsung mobile told Janta Ka Reporter, “I had bought a new Samsung Galaxy II for Rs 60,000. Little over a year later, the screen got damaged. I gave the set to the service centre, which said that its charging point too needed a replacement. I had to pay Rs 13,000 towards the repair cost. But within a month, I was told that the motherboard too had got spoiled. The service centre folks said that I will have to pay another Rs 20,000 to get the phone to become functional.”
Well, let’s see how Samsung customer service will reply Mira queries and make her a happy customer.