A Tweet from a passenger saved lives of 25 minor girls on Train - IamBSY Blog

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

A Tweet from a passenger saved lives of 25 minor girls on Train

A Tweet from a passenger saved lives of 25 minor girls on Train
A vigilant passenger on board an express train recently saved the lives of 26 minor girls who were being trafficked. Adarsh Srivastava was travelling by Muzzafarpur- Bandra Avadh Express when he noticed a big group of minor girls crying in his coach. He sensed that something is wrong when he saw those girls being so uncomfortable.
The man needs our praises as he instantly made a twitter account and did his first tweet to the relevant officials of India bringing the incident to their notice. In his tweet, he shared his train number, his location and wrote that 25 minor girls are crying and feeling insecure in his coach. He tagged Narendra Modi, Piyush Goyal, and Yogi Adityanath.
He wrote, “I am traveling in Avadh express(19040). in s5. in my coach their are 25 girls all are juvenile some of them are crying and all feeling unsecure.”
I am traveling in Avadh express(19040). in s5. in my coach their are 25 girls all are juvenile some of them are crying and all feeling unsecure.@RailMinIndia @PiyushGoyal @PMOIndia @PiyushGoyalOffc @narendramodi @manojsinhabjp @yogi
In another tweet, he wrote, “subject to human trafficking )my current station is Hari Nagar my next station is BAGAHA and then Gorakhpur.kindly help them out. Please help.”
I am traveling in Avadh express(19040). in s5. in my coach their are 25 girls all are juvenile some of them are crying and all feeling unsecure.@RailMinIndia @PiyushGoyal @PMOIndia @PiyushGoyalOffc @narendramodi @manojsinhabjp @yogi
subject to human trafficking )my current station is Hari Nagar my next station is BAGAHA and then Gorakhpur.kindly help them out. Please help.@RailMinIndia @PiyushGoyal @PiyushGoyalOffc @PMOIndia @narendramodi @rajnathsingh
His tweet grabbed the attention of the authorities who took quick action on it. The girls were rescued by the officials in Varanasi and Lucknow along with the Government Railway Police and Railway Protection Force.
RPF of Nothern Railways replied to the Tweet,
श्रीमान सूचना देने के लिए धन्यबाद कार्यवाही की जा रही है सहयोग हेतु अपना मोबाइल नम्बर यात्रा विवरण देने का क़पा करे @upgrp @dscrpfljn @rpfnerbsb copy @gmner_gkp @nerailwaygkp
The families of the minor girls were later informed.
1/1 श्रीमान,ट्विटर की सुचना पर गाड़ी के गोरखपुर समय 19:05 बजे PF NO.02 पर आगमन पर उक्त कोच को RPF,GRP,ANTI HUMAN TRAFICKING ,CWC,महिला थाना प्रभारी गोरखपुर द्वारा अटेंड कर 26 नाबालिग लड़कियों को उतारकर पूछ ताछ कर CWC /GKP को सुपुर्द किया गया है I
2/2 परिजनों को सुचना दी गयी है I परिजनों के आने के बाद विधिक कार्यवाई अमल में लायी जाएगी
The awareness and timely action of Adarsh Srivastava is being applauded by everyone.
subject to human trafficking )my current station is Hari Nagar my next station is BAGAHA and then Gorakhpur.kindly help them out. Please help.@RailMinIndia @PiyushGoyal @PiyushGoyalOffc @PMOIndia @narendramodi @rajnathsingh
आदर्श भाईआपने बहुत सराहनीय कार्य किया है.हमारे प्रधान सेवक जी की डिजिटल इंडिया की मुहीम रंग ला रही है,रेल मंत्रालय और हमारे रेलमंत्री जी ने सराहनीय कार्य कर रहेहै बधाई के पात्र हैं @SushmaSwaraj हो सकता है कुछ अहंकारी नेताओ के लिए आप ट्रोलर हो भले ही आपने सराहनीय कार्य किया है pic.twitter.com/kPe9mpRtay
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Adarsh made the right use of the technology and had put to good use.
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This is the best possible way to use our social media, inspiration to all and salute to adarsh Shrivastava, we all proud of you 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Human trafficking is one serious issue in our country and in fact round the globe where minor kids and girls are trafficked and sold off.
We as people need to be vigilant like Adarsh in public places and should bring the issue in the notice of authorities instead of just turning a bling eye.

He is a real hero indeed.