If you’re currently in a relationship, you probably want it to go towards love. However, it can be hard to pinpoint when true love is right within our reach. Our significant other may be showing us signs that they’re in love with us. The ambiguity of these signs may send us in the opposite direction.
In order to avoid such an unfortunate situation, below are compiled a few such signs to help you out. Learn to recognize the signals so you can make an informed decision about having a future with another person:
Nothing Escapes Him
Basically, he notices the little things you like or dislike. This could be something as simple as the amount of sugar you take in your hot drinks. He could remember to bring you your favorite chocolates when you’re feeling particularly depressed.
In short, his love isn’t above huge, public displays of affection. It’s more about the things that only you would notice and appreciate.
You Get All the Time You Need
Unfortunately, the modern lifestyle doesn’t give us much quality time with those close to us. Even if we do have some spare time, social media devours it like a serpent. So if a man is giving you a large amount of time, he’s giving you a very valuable resource.
In short, you get to talk to him, see him, and get to know him a little better every day. It’s not like being with a stranger, but your best friend. In fact, you could even plan little activities and outings together. That’s worth far more than any jewelry or clothing an insincere person could buy for you.
You Hear About Everything
When he’s in love with you, you would know the ins and outs of his life. If something’s worrying him, you would be the one he lets in first. At all events, he would never hide important facts or occurrences from you. Simply put, he trusts you implicitly because he loves you so much.
We all have our own little world and we only give access to a limited number of people. If you are privy to his world, he is falling for you and you know it!
You Don’t Feel Worried
Maybe he’s late in coming home, but you aren’t biting your nails in anxiety. Why is that? Because you know he isn’t going anywhere. He would always call and keep you abreast of where he is and when he would be with you.
If you want to have a complicated conversation about your relationship, he’s up for it. He isn’t afraid to talk about the most important thing in his life. Hence, you feel secure and content, knowing that he is yours alone.
He Communicates With Looks as Well as Words
You two communicate, but not just with words. It could be a secretive smile or a simple look, and you know what the other is saying. If he gets those signals, he’s definitely head over heels for you.
Another way of inherent communication is that he can somewhat read your face. You may be feeling anxious or overjoyed, and he already knows something’s up. If that isn’t the sign of true love, we don’t know what is!
He’s a Little Scared
Sometimes when men fall in love, they may get a bit shy and frightened. This could be a fear of committing and possibly losing their independence. However, they would always come back to the object of their affections. As long as you stick with them and give them space, they can’t help but be with you.
So if you feel you man pulling away, take it in good faith. If he’s in love, he would come back to you. If he’s tired of the relationship, you don’t want him around anyway.
He Takes Care of You the Right Way
You may be a strong and independent woman, but everyone likes a little pampering. And that’s just what a man in love would give you. We don’t mean that he would treat you to spas every day. However, he would tuck a pillow behind your aching back, or brew you a cup of tea when you’re home.
He may not have been like this in the beginning of the relationship. That’s actually a good sign, as it means he fell in love and is now realizing it. It’s not just a show that could fade with time.
You Come First
Everyone should have some life outside of their relationship. However, it’s only when you’re fully committed to the other person that you can think about them first. So if he is canceling his trip to celebrate your anniversary together, be sure you’ve got love on your side!
Most of the time, it doesn’t even matter if you’ve got something planned. He would cancel other plans just to spend more time with you
You’re the Guru
A sure sign of a man falling in love is that he values your opinion above all others. You may not be an expert in cars, but you’re the one he would take along to finalize his decision. He could have asked anyone else, but he chose you.
This is solely because your opinion really matters to him. He is bent upon making you happy, and so wants to tailor his decisions accordingly. Of course, he shouldn’t be so dependent that he consults you on every little thing. At the end of the day, however, everyone likes being important enough to take major advice from.
You’re Making Plans Together
You’re both growing older and probably a bit wiser too. When a guy starts planning for the future and involves you in it, it’s a sign! He’s basically saying that he wants you to be a major part of his future.
Plans for the summer vacation may change into buying a house and settling down together. Plus, pay attention to what he’s thinking about. If he is definite in his goals, it’s a sure sign of getting serious.
No Forgetting Important Dates
Many TV shows and movies would have us believe that it’s normal for a guy to forget your birthday. However, with social media and phone calendars, forgetting important dates is not that simple. It’s more a matter of deliberate amnesia.
If a man is in love, he would definitely remember birthdays and anniversaries. Forgetting them would mean he simply doesn’t care that much. Until and unless an actual emergency comes up, someone in love would do something to make a red-letter day special.
He Wants to be Physically Close
Don’t blame a guy for not wanting to cuddle every single day. Some just don’t feel like it. However, a man in love would want to be close to you most of the time. If nothing else, he wants to sit close to you and enjoy some time together.
It doesn’t even matter if you don’t talk all the time. If you’re happy just being with each other, you’re headed on the path to true love!
He Gives You True Compliments
When you suspect your man is falling in love with you, focus on the compliments he gives. If they are solely focused on physical appearance, you should give the relationship a little more time. However, it’s when he starts complimenting your personality and habits that you need to sit up and take notice.
Some compliments may include the way you organize, or how smart you are. It could also include a special word of praise when you go out of your way to help someone. Pay attention; he’s letting you know the reasons for his falling in love with you!
He Gives More Than He Takes
A man who gives freely is a happy man in love. This is a signal that he is ready to take on a commitment with you. Even if you can’t always give him something in return, his pleasure lies in the giving.
We’re not even just talking about gifts. Giving could be time, as discussed above. It could be an effort, such as planning a surprise party. It could also be something as simple as a foot rub. So be sure to express your gratitude and not take this kind of deep love for granted.
He Surprises You
Now, one has to be a bit careful here. Being spontaneous and giving surprises doesn’t just mean showing up unannounced. Some men also want their significant others to change their plans at a moment’s notice. Those aren’t the nice kind of surprises.
The surprises you should look out for are when he sends you something you love. For example, he could show up with coffee and donuts when he knows you haven’t had breakfast.
In a nutshell, a man who is in love with you would think of ways to surprise you. He won’t use you as a last resort but go out of his way to make you feel special all the time.
He’s giving up Other Things for You
When you’re in distress, does he drop what he’s doing and rush to your side? For instance, you may be in the hospital, and he takes a few days off work to be with you. This is basically him not wanting to leave your side when you need him the most. If this is the case, he’s a keeper.
Such a man gives one a feeling of security. Whether you’re up or down, he’s right there cheering you on.
His Friends Know You
Men have very strong and lasting friendships. If you’re familiar with his friends and they like you, you know you’re in the clear. This means that he’s discussing you with his friends in a positive light. Plus, if they are true friends, they would appreciate you for making him happy.
His friends may tell you that they know you make amazing omelets or that you like horror movies. This means that your man is so lost in your thoughts that he can’t help but talk about you.
He’s Your Rock
You may not be financially dependent on him, but he’s there for you in many, many ways. And sometimes, you wouldn’t know what to do if it weren’t for him. For instance, if you get tensed up about a deadline, he’s the only one who can calm you down. Not even your own mother has that effect on you.
In another scenario, you may be afraid of starting a new career. In times like these, he’s the one who would assure you of his support. Even if you fail, you know he won’t kick you when you’re down.
The Secret Gaze
Perhaps you turn around and he’s just looking at you. Not in an overly possessive or angry manner, but with a sort of contentedness. Even when you’ve been together for a while, he still feels lucky to be with you. As a result, he would keep glancing at you to make sure it’s not a dream.
When two people look at one another for a long period of time, their love depends. In fact, when you catch your partner gazing at you, he’s probably experiencing an actual love hormone. This is called oxytocin and is released when one person gazes at another. Hence, when he’s looking at you without any particular reason, you know he’s in love.
There’s No Giving Up
Let’s face it; you’re not exactly the easiest person to be with all the time. When it comes to menstrual cycles, demanding jobs, or just bad hair days, you may act out. In fact, you may mentally torture your significant other for some time before you come to your senses.
However, when the man in your life takes all your tantrums and absorbs them, you’re on to something. He doesn’t get scared off that easily, nor does he leave. In fact, he’d do what it takes to cheer you up. In short, he’s not going to give up on you. These are true feelings, sure enough.
Knowing the above signs can really help you gauge whether a man is in love with you or not. In fact, this could be the difference between a happily ever after (of sorts) and a life full of regrets. So stay alert and let the love in when it’s ready!